Macam teks bahasa inggris (teks fungsional) tujuan dan strukturnya

Nih buat kalian yang lagi nyari-nyari apa sih macam teks bahasa inggris sama tujuan dan strukturnya, nih disini tersaji lengkap
Kind of the texts
Purpose and structures of the text
Descriptive text,
It is a text which describes a particular thing, person or thing in detail.

Purpose      :
The purpose of Descriptive text is to describe particular thing, person or place.

Structure    :
Descriptive text consists :
    1.      Title, which shows the title of the text
    2.      Identification, which identifies the thing, person or place described
    3.      Description, which describes parts, qualities, and characteristics of the thing, person or place
Recount text
Purpose      :
The purpose of Recount text is to retell about someone experience or past events

Structure    :
     1.      Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants
     2.      Events : tell what happened, in what sequence
     3.      Re-orientation : optional closure of events
It is an imaginative story to entertain people.
Purpose      :
The purpose of Narrative text is to amuse or entertain the readers or the listeners

Structure    :
Narrative consists of :
     1.      Orientation : it introduces the main characters, the place and  time where the story happens
     2.      Complication : it shows the problem that happen in the story
     3.      Resolution : this is the end of the story where the problems are solved
     4.      Reorientation : it presents the moral value and this is optional.
Purpose      :
The purpose of Report text is to describe things in general

Structure    :
Report consists of :
    1.      General classification : it talks about what the phenomenon is.
    2.      Description : it describe what the phenomenon is like in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behavior.
It is a text which explains the readers how to make or do something through a sequence of steps
Purpose      :
The purpose of procedure text is to tell or to explain the readers how to make or serve or do something.

Structure    :
The structure of a procedure text is :
    1.      Title/aim/goal, which tells what will be explained
    2.      Materials, which tells what materials or ingredients needed
    3.      Steps, which explain the chronological stepson how to make or do something.

Purpose      :
The purpose of Notice is to give instruction to someone

Structure    :
     1.      Content
Short Message,
Is a written piece that you send / leave to another person.
Purpose      :
The purpose of Short Message is to give information or to instruct someone to do something or not do something

Structure    :
The structures of a short message is :
    1.      Addresses (penerima), it shows who is received the short message
    2.      Content / contain (isi), it shows the information or instructions from the sender
    3.      Sender (pengirim), it tells who send the short message
Greeting Card
Purpose      :
The purpose of Greeting Card is to congratulate/ to wish/ to show sympathy to someone

Structure    :
The structures of a greeting card is :
    1.      Receiver , it tells who will received  the greeting card
    2.      Content , it tells what will the sender express to the receiver in his/her greeting card
    3.      Sender , it tells who send the greeting card

Purpose      :
The purpose of Advertisement is to advertise or to promote or to persuade someone about a product or

Structure    :
The structures of an advertisement is:
    1.      Name of product
    2.      Explanation about of the product
Purpose      :
The purpose of Announcement is to inform someone about an events or to give information about something

Structure    :
The structures of an announcement is :
    1.      The title/ type of event
    2.      Content (Date or time, place)
    3.      Closing
    4.      Contact person
Purpose      :
The purpose of Invitation is to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something

Structure    :
The structures of an invitation is :
     1.      Invitee (yang di undang), which shows who is received the invitation
     2.      Content
a.      Occasion
b.      Date, time, place.
     3.      Inviter ( pengundang ), which shows who send the invitation
Purpose      :
The purpose of Letter is to give information to someone

Structure    :
The structures of a letter is :
     1.      Date and place, receiver
     2.      Content
     3.      Sender
Purpose      :
The purpose of Email is to give information to someone in written

Structure    :
The structures of an email is :
     1.      Header, which tells the sender, receiver, title and date of the email
     2.      Content, tell the information
     3.      Attachment
Purpose      :
The purpose of Schedule is to arrange our daily activities

Structure    :
The structures of a schedule is :
     1.      Title
     2.      Content

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